Aurica Balmus
Operation Officer
Aurica Balmus’ role includes coordinating with the Implementing Partners and Governing Committee to ensure strong governance, effective reporting on implementation of We-Fi funded initiatives, and learning across stakeholders. She has over 10 years of experience working with financial institutions and entrepreneurs focusing on increasing SMEs’ access to finance. Prior to joining the We-Fi Secretariat, Aurica worked at IFC in the Blended Finance Department and Financial Institutions Group, where she supported the IFC We-Fi program “Creating Finance and Markets for All” and the Global SME Finance Facility. Both initiatives include blended finance investments targeted to increasing access to finance to SMEs and women-owned/led firms, as well advisory on how to more effectively expand services to such entrepreneurs. Before joining IFC, Aurica was Consultant Lead at Enclude (now part of Palladium), where she focused on small business finance advisory projects and expanding financial inclusion for women entrepreneurs. Aurica holds a Master’s in International Development from University of Pittsburgh.