Understanding the WE Finance Code's Goals and Benefits

All Stakeholders

WE Finance Code Introduction (Pitch)

A presentation designed to introduce the WE Finance Code, outlining its objectives and benefits to stakeholders.

All Stakeholders

WE Finance Code Introductory Video

A visual overview that explains the core concepts and significance of the WE Finance Code, aimed at engaging a broad audience.

All Stakeholders

WE Finance Code Brochure

A 4 pager document ideal as a handout at in-person meetings, summarizing the WE Finance Code’s goals, key features, and how to get involved.

All Stakeholders

WE Finance Code Briefing Note

A document providing detailed answers to frequently asked questions about the WE Finance Code.

Adapting the Code Framework to National Contexts

National Code Coalitions

Kick-Off Presentation PPT

A presentation for National Code Coalitions looking for step by step explanation of how to implement the WE Finance Code framework for their national context.

Multilateral Development Banks, National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

Implementation Partner Guide

A detailed guide for National Code Coalitions looking for step by step guidance on implementing the WE Finance Code framework for their national context.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

Workshop in a Box

Workshop templates for National Code Coalitions to facilitate discussions within the country, gathering essential input for customizing the Code for national context.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

WE Finance Code Charter: National Charter Guidance

A document offering guidance on how to develop a National Charter, that codifies the framework for the in-country Code, meeting the global Code requirements and customizing it to country context.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

WE Finance Code Charter: National Charter Template

An empty template that can be filled out and published as the National Charter document for the in-country Code.

All Stakeholders

Media Toolkit

A toolkit designed to help effectively communicate your involvement in the WE Finance Code to the media and the public.

Applying Technical Guidance on WSME Definitions and Data

All Stakeholders

Definition Note

A brief note explaining the challenges of defining WSMEs, showcasing examples of definitions including guardrails of the WE Finance Code, and offering guidance to FSPs and Countries on harmonization of definitions.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

Market Sizing Tool

An Excel tool that helps users to understand the size and composition of the addressable market for business finance in their respective country, in general, and of the part constituted by women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses, in particular.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

WMSME Data Flow Mapping

A tool that enables users to understand the availability of WMSME data in their markets, who is reporting and collecting it, where it’s being stored and how it’s being used.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

Guidelines for National Data Aggregators

OECD-prepared guidance to support national WE Finance Code data aggregators with information on the indicators, definitions, and instructions for data reporting.

National Coordinators, National Anchor organisations

Template for National  Data Aggregation

A tool to support timely, standardized data collection for future publication in the OECD Data Explorer or other channels, which can be customised and downloaded for further manipulation.


WMSME Data How-To Inbrief

A brief outlining a 5-step process that can form the basis of a strategy for financial institutions interested in developing or strengthening their data on women-owned and led Micro, Small and Medium sized enterprises.

Making a Commitment to the Code

National Code Coalitions

National Code Sample Public Declaration of Intent

The template letter Natonal Code Coalitions can replicate, sign and share with the Global Coordinator of the Code as a proof of commitment to the WE Finance Code framework and its three main requirements.


FSP Commitment Letter

The template letter FSPs can replicate, sign and share with the Global Coordinator of the Code as a proof of commitment to the WE Finance Code framework and its three main requirements.

Ecosystem Partners

Ecosystem Commitment Letter

The template letter Ecosystem Partners can replicate, sign and share with the Global Coordinator of the Code as a proof of commitment to the WE Finance Code framework and its three main requirements.


Community of Champions Information

Registration form for National Champions to join the WE Finance Code Community of Champions, an international peer learning community.