We-Fi works with six multilateral development banks for the implementation of its programs. The We-Fi Secretariat issues calls for proposals and manages the technical review process for submitted proposals. MDBs, also called Implementing Partners (IPs) may submit proposals as per the terms outlined in each call. So far, We-Fi has issued two calls for proposals; one in the spring of 2018 and one a year later, in 2019.
Technical reviews are conducted by external technical experts identified by the Governing Committee and the Secretariat. The Secretariat provides the technical assessments to the Governing Committee for their consideration.
We-Fi funding is mobilizing billions of dollars in additional financing from commercial and international financial institutions to provide women entrepreneurs with access to finance, markets, networks and information.
The Governing Committee, consisting of all 14 donor governments, makes all funding request decisions.
For more information on past calls for proposals, including funding principles and eligibility, please see the Guidance for Accredited MDBs page.