In July 2024, Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA has become a global signatory of the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Code (WE Finance Code), a trailblazing initiative aimed at driving systemic change within the financial ecosystem to bridge the gender finance gap. By joining, BBVA commits to championing women-led businesses and working to eliminate financing gaps for women entrepreneurs. The BBVAMF serves more than 1.7 million vulnerable women entrepreneurs in five Latin American countries with financial services and initiatives specifically for them. The WE Finance Code is a commitment by FSPs, regulators, development banks, and other financial ecosystem players to work together to increase funding provided to women-led micro, small and medium enterprises (WMSMEs) around the world, so that they can grow and add value to the economy and their communities. Officially launched in October 2023 at the World Bank – IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech, the WE Finance Code is being piloted in over 30 countries across the world.
Date Joined
- July 2024
Latest Update

Javier M. Flores, CEO of BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF)
“Estamos muy orgullosos de ser parte del WE Finance Code, una iniciativa que se alinea a nuestro compromiso de abogar por la inclusión financiera como un elemento clave para el empoderamiento social y económico de las mujeres, que hemos impulsado desde nuestra creación en 2007 y que sigue teniendo un papel muy relevante en todas las entidades del Grupo FMBBVA y en la atención a las más de 1.7 millones de mujeres a las que apoyamos en América Latina. Creemos firmemente, que ellas son verdaderas catalizadoras del desarrollo y la reducción de la pobreza de sus hogares, comunidades y países”.
Javier M. Flores, CEO, FMBBVA
“We are very proud of being part of the WE Finance Code, an initiative aligned with our commitment of advocating for financial inclusion as a key element of women’s social and economic empowerment, that we have promoted since our creation in 2007. It still plays a very relevant role in all the microfinance institutions who are part of the BBVAMF Group and in the model that we serve to the 1.7 million women we support in Latin America. We firmly believe that they are the cornerstones of development and poverty reduction in their households, communities and countries”.
Javier M. Flores, CEO, BBVAMF